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Put Over 25 Years of Experience on Your Side
While nonviolent theft is not considered the most serious of crimes, it carries a stigma that can make it hard to lead a normal life in the future. If you are convicted of a theft crime, your criminal record may show others that you may not be trustworthy, making it hard to find a job, get a loan, or rent an apartment. You need to avoid a conviction, so it is important that you hire a Long Island criminal defense lawyer who can help. At Austin Law Associates, P.C., we give our clients the information they need to build an effective defense strategy.
Schedule a free consultation with our team by dialing now or contacting us online. Attorney Stuart Austin has a 10.0 Superb Avvo Rating.
Criminal Laws for Larceny
Theft is defined simply: it is taking someone else’s property without their permission. If you are accused of this crime by law enforcement, you need to get started on a defense strategy as soon as possible. By putting a case together early, you can avoid the prosecution’s accusations from going unchallenged.
Larceny (theft) is prosecuted by the value of stolen goods, such as:
Petit larceny: Fines up to $1,000 and up to a year in prison
Over $1,000: Fines plus up to four years in prison
Over $3,000: Fines plus up to seven years in prison
Over $50,000: Fines plus up to 15 years in prison
Over $1,000,000: Fines plus up to 25 years in prison
You need to protect yourself from a conviction. A criminal record is serious, no matter how trivial the crimes may appear.
Defending Yourself against Theft Accusations
Some ways to defend against these allegations can be:
You had permission: If you felt you were given the property under a clear right, there is no reason why you should be charged with a criminal offense.
The item belonged to you: Recovering what belonged to you in the first place is vastly different than taking something that you had no business with. By proving the origin of the property, we can help you avoid a conviction.
Extortion: Sometimes, people are coerced into taking things that don’t belong to them. If this was the case for you, let us help.
Free Consultations
During our initial case review, we will help you understand the accusations against you and prepare yourself for trial if one should take place. Ideally, we can work with the judges and law clerks to make a compelling case on your behalf that may result in a dismissal or sealed case that keeps you out of the courtroom altogether. With thousands of cases handled and industry recognized commitment to our clients, Austin Law Associates, P.C. is here for you.
By getting started early, we can build a strong case in your favor. Call Austin Law Associates, P.C. today.
Dial now or contact us online and get started.